We offer courses in Norwegian as part of the introduction programme, but also to other refugees and immigrants who have the right and/or obligation to learn Norwegian and social studies.
Courses during the day
Level A1, A1-A2, A2-B1 and B1-B2
Period: 06-01.25 – 20.06.25.
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Time: Monday and Tuesday 08.30 – 13.00.
Thursday and Friday 08.30 – 11.00.
Teaching hours: 16 per week.
Fee: NOK 19.200, - including books. Norwegian tests are not included.
The fee will not be refunded if you quit before the course ends.
Registration to Email: kie@skien.kommune.no
Phone 35 58 43 60
Registration: Our office is open Monday to Friday between 09.00 – 15.00.
Address: Kvalifiserings- og integreringsenheten (KIE), Odds plass 3, 3722 SKIEN. (Skagerak Arena).
Important: The registration is binding.
Courses in the evening
Evening courses Level A1 and A2
Period: 13.01.25 – 14.05.25
Days: Monday and Wednesday.
Time: 17.00 – 19.30.
Teaching hours: 6 per week (90 hours total).
Fee: NOK 10.600, - including books. Norwegian tests are not included.
The fee will not be refunded if you quit before the course ends.
Registration to Email: kie@skien.kommune.no
Phone: 35 58 43 60
Registration: Our office is open Monday to Friday between 09.00 – 15.00.
Address: Kvalifiserings- og integreringsenheten (KIE), Odds plass 3, 3722 SKIEN. (Skagerak Arena).
Important: The registration is binding.
Evening courses Level B1 and B2
Mondays and Wednesdays 13.01.25 – 14.05.25.
Please contact Porsgrunn voksenopplæringssenter.
Phone 35 54 78 80
Email: pov@porsgrunn.kommune.no