New in Skien


We have collected some advice on what you should do before you move to Skien.

Before moving

EU/EAA citizens

If you are coming to stay in Norway for more than six months, you have to notify the Norwegian tax administration of the move. Read more at The Norwegian Tax Administration (

Already have an employer? 

Read about what you must do before you start work in Norway 

Other advice

  • Find a place to stay! In Norway we have the website, where you find housing for rental and to buy. See houses for sale or at rent.  Tip: Save up enough funding for at least three months of rent (deposit) if you want to rent. The amount varies, but aproximate 2000-3000 EUR.
  • Do you have children? Make sure to apply for school and/or kindergarten in time of moving. You must apply before 1st of March each year or by vacancies. Read more about school and kindergarten
  • Learn Norwegian! Most jobs require that you master a level of B1 or B2. Sign up to a Norwegian course.  Find more information about Norwegian studies

When you arrive

  1. You need to register with the police as an EU/EEA citizen. You have to do this within 3 months since your arrival to Norway. The nearest police station is at Torp in Sandefjord. Their address is Torpveien 125, 3241 Sandefjord. Show on map.
  2. You need to book an appointment with the Tax Administration. The nearest tax office is in Skien, just outside the city centre. Show on map.
    Note: If you’re moving to Norway with your family, the whole family must meet in person to undergo an ID control at the Tax Administration’s offices. This applies even if you’ve lived in Norway before.

Remember to bring the following:

*The completed form RF-1401 Report a move to Norway from abroad.

*Valid passport or national ID card.

*Documentation showing:

a) You have a right of residence for at least 6 months.
You can bring a registration certificate from the police. This is what you must bring if you do not have a registration certificate, or if your registration certificate is older than 30 days.
If you’re employed by a company in an EU/EEA country that has a contract with a Norwegian company to complete an assignment in Norway, you must bring:

  1. the employment contract you have with your employer in the EU/EEA country, and
  2. the assignment contract between your employer in the EU/EEA country and the company in Norway.

If you’re self-employed in an EU/EEA country and have a contract with a Norwegian company to complete an assignment in Norway, you must bring:

  1. documentation showing that your enterprise is registered in an EU/EEA country.

b) You’re going to live in Norway for at least 6 months.

  • house purchase contract or rental agreement,
  • documentation showing that you work in Norway,
  • other documentation showing that you live in Norway, for example, bank account statements, an internet subscription or a gym subscription,
  • documentation showing that you've moved from the country you used to live in, for example, confirmation that you’ve left your job or moved out of your home, or a registered notification of moving abroad.

If your documentation is older than 3 months, you should also bring a confirmation showing that it’s still valid.

If you’re registered as resident in Norway, you’ll be issued a Norwegian national identity number and registered as resident in Norway in the National Population Register. You’ll receive a confirmation of this by post. 

Other information

Identification numbers
In Norway, we use identification numbers to identify persons who have a connection to our country. Many public and private enterprises require that you have a Norwegian identification number to get access to their services. For example, you need a Norwegian identification number to open a bank account.
Read more.

Bank services
Being an EU citizen simplifies opening a bank account in Norway, but there are still a few steps involved. Here is a breakdown:

  1. Obtain a D-number or National Identity Number as described above.
  2. Apply to be a customer in a Norwegian bank. Most of the banks have designed a digital process you use when applying to become a customer. When the application is granted, make an appointment for when to visit the bank branch in the bank you have made your application to. It is required to ID yourself, and you have to be prepared to bring the following:
  • Passport (The passport needs to have RFID-chip)
  • Copy of registration certificate for EU/EEA nationals
  • Proof of residential home address
  • Employment contract
  • Tax withholding card for employees
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN-number) for persons with tax residence outside Norway

List of banks with branches in Skien:

Driving license
You may drive in Norway if you hold a valid driving licence from another EU/EEA country. However, you are subject to Norwegian health requirements. More information.

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